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Silence is wisdom's best reply !!

The Beauty of Silence

Pause, unleash, unwind, and surrender…
How about a world where we float in an ocean of colours...
Now imagine a myriad colours injected in you; from the resplendent to the ashen, from the see through to the clouded, from the pastels to the starks.

The one we reflect isn't the one we are known by?
Beg to differ?

A magical phenomenon, non-palpable in today’s traumatising world affected my psyche in various ways, when I surrendered myself to the power of silence, in the midst of colours.

Cyan; a hue of calmness
Fiery Orange; a ray of hope 
Emerald; signifying spiritual aura 
Lemon Yellow; duping the gates of inspiration 
and Fuchsia; a perfect jargon for love…

Silence is an antidote to listening. This realisation dawned upon me when I saw ' The Ink in Motion' in the midst of silence. This fascinating array of colours touched my soul and healed me from inside. It preached me how to demarcate calmness from disturbance; stillness from turbulence; joys from sorrow; mindfulness from unmindfulness. 

I will step back into a zone of deafening silence everyday to hear my whispering crescendoes.
How about you ?


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